Foods rich in soluble fibre prevent metabolic diseases, obesity
November 03, 2015 12:01
(Image source from: Foods rich in soluble fibre prevent metabolic diseases)
According to a new study, consuming foods rich in soluble fibre may help in preventing metabolic diseases and obesity. They include nuts, oat bran, peas, lentils and few fruits and vegetables.
Georgia State University researchers in the US that due to the consumption of a diet in which soluble fibre are missing promote intestinal inflammation and poor gut health. This would eventually lead to weight gain in mice. But, gut health is restored by incorporating soluble fibre back into the diet.
The effects of diets have been examined by the study on the structure of the intestines, weight gain and fat accumulation in mice. Also the diets varied in amounts of soluble and insoluble fibres, protein and fat.
The results indicated that the mice with diet without soluble fibre gained weight and had more fat. Also, shorter intestines with thinner walls were found on the mice on the soluble fibre-deficient diet. Just after two days after beginning the diet, the structural changes were observed.
According to the researchers, introduction of the soluble fibre into the diet restore gut structure. The intestinal structure in mice on the soluble fibre-deficient diet was restored by supplementing with soluble fibre inulin. The study did not find any improvements in mice that received an insoluble fibre, cellulose.
- Sumana