Men you should avoid dating

Mar 20, Thursday

Men you should avoid datingRelationship

July 10, 2014 09:26
Men you should avoid dating},{Men you should avoid dating

(Image source from: Men you should avoid dating})

All of us want our relationship to continue for ever (till death do us apart). But it does not happen all the time. We can only do so much from out part, but we don't have any control over what the partner/boyfriend wants. You can make your relationship work by choosing the right partner. Avoid these dating mistakes to get into a long-term relationship.

Love at first sight

Love at first sight is a utopian concept. It only happens in books and movies. So when a man says 'I love you' a little too soon, it can't be genuine. In real life you don't fall in love at once, it takes time to develop feelings like love. If a man says the three magical words too soon don't make haste to commit to a relationship.

Stingy man

Stingy men are not good for a relationship. Imagine a life with him, where he never pays the bill for any outings the two of you go together. While it's good an independent woman there is no harm in going dutch. If a man keeps giving excuses for not paying the bill he's not right for you. A man with dignity will pay at least his share of the bill.

Brings up his Ex

Men who keep talking about their ex-girlfriend have not gotten over them. So if your man often compares you with his ex then its not a good sign. It means he has not gotten over her. You can discuss the issue with him, but if still talks of the Ex then its time to move on.

Rich man

Men who flaunt their money have an attitude problem. He's either thinks that his wealth can buy anything and everything, even love, or he may not have as much wealth as he displays. It's best to ditch him as he will leave you in tears sooner or later.

Avoid mama's boy type men

Men who are mama's boy are definitely not good for a relationship. Such men do everything with the consent of their mother. Don't expect him to even buy you a gift without his mom's permission. These men are best left at their mama's lap.

(AW: Pratima Tigga)

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Men you should avoid dating | Relationship

Men you should avoid dating

Mar 20, Thursday

Men you should avoid datingRelationship

July 10, 2014 09:26
Men you should avoid dating},{Men you should avoid dating

(Image source from: Men you should avoid dating})

All of us want our relationship to continue for ever (till death do us apart). But it does not happen all the time. We can only do so much from out part, but we don't have any control over what the partner/boyfriend wants. You can make your relationship work by choosing the right partner. Avoid these dating mistakes to get into a long-term relationship.

Love at first sight

Love at first sight is a utopian concept. It only happens in books and movies. So when a man says 'I love you' a little too soon, it can't be genuine. In real life you don't fall in love at once, it takes time to develop feelings like love. If a man says the three magical words too soon don't make haste to commit to a relationship.

Stingy man

Stingy men are not good for a relationship. Imagine a life with him, where he never pays the bill for any outings the two of you go together. While it's good an independent woman there is no harm in going dutch. If a man keeps giving excuses for not paying the bill he's not right for you. A man with dignity will pay at least his share of the bill.

Brings up his Ex

Men who keep talking about their ex-girlfriend have not gotten over them. So if your man often compares you with his ex then its not a good sign. It means he has not gotten over her. You can discuss the issue with him, but if still talks of the Ex then its time to move on.

Rich man

Men who flaunt their money have an attitude problem. He's either thinks that his wealth can buy anything and everything, even love, or he may not have as much wealth as he displays. It's best to ditch him as he will leave you in tears sooner or later.

Avoid mama's boy type men

Men who are mama's boy are definitely not good for a relationship. Such men do everything with the consent of their mother. Don't expect him to even buy you a gift without his mom's permission. These men are best left at their mama's lap.

(AW: Pratima Tigga)

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