Going for a party? better behave

Mar 17, Monday

Going for a party? better behaveWomen

April 18, 2012 05:55
Going for a party? better behave

Socializing is an essential element that makes us know the World and the World know about us… all these party cultures have come up and are a part of both our professional and personal life these days. and Office parties are even more common… they are a part for our career growth as we get to maintain PR at a major extent in this kind of events…

Now, how to behave in this kind of social events and parties? How to just attract the crowd with our behavior and personality? How to spill our charm in such events?

•    You preparation for a dinner starts even before you reach there. Feel comfortable and confident first. Wear appropriate attire. If possible enquire about the dress code so that you are not embarrassed.
•    Try to reach on time, if possible at least five minutes before its start. It is also important that you do not arrive too earlier.
•    Thank the host for calling you for the party. If you have a gift for them, give it as an appreciation.
•    Be self-conscious. Take particular care when you walk, talk, sit and eat. Participate in the flow of the party.
•    Introduce yourself to new people in the party.
•    Be natural at any dinner. Wait to eat till the host serves you. Let the women sit on the dining table before the men.
•    Place the napkin on your knee for occasional wiping especially at a formal dinner. Place it back neatly before you get up from the table. Use the knife and fork properly.
•    Eat reasonably. Do not spill your food off the plate nor waste them.
•    Never mess up with your surrounding with your sloppy eating habits.
•    Keep manners. Do not make noise while chewing. Close your mouth and then only chew so that it looks decent enough.
•    No noise blowing in front of a table, however uncomfortable you are.
•    Restrict your drinking habits at a business party. This can spoil your reputation in the office.
•    Do not keep yourself left out from others. Look around for familiar faces. If you don’t find any, keep a pleasant smile to find friendly faces. Start conversing with new people.
•    Converse politely with the other guests. Do not talk too much especially about yourself. Let the other talk.
•    Keep eye contact when you are talking with people. Continue eating and conversing together. But do not talk with your mouths full.
•    Say good bye to everyone you know, when you leave.

Be it a formal party or a get together with friends, it is better to follow the above suggestions to avoid any inconvenience further.

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Going for a party? better behave | Women

Going for a party? better behave

Mar 17, Monday

Going for a party? better behaveWomen

April 18, 2012 05:55
Going for a party? better behave

Socializing is an essential element that makes us know the World and the World know about us… all these party cultures have come up and are a part of both our professional and personal life these days. and Office parties are even more common… they are a part for our career growth as we get to maintain PR at a major extent in this kind of events…

Now, how to behave in this kind of social events and parties? How to just attract the crowd with our behavior and personality? How to spill our charm in such events?

•    You preparation for a dinner starts even before you reach there. Feel comfortable and confident first. Wear appropriate attire. If possible enquire about the dress code so that you are not embarrassed.
•    Try to reach on time, if possible at least five minutes before its start. It is also important that you do not arrive too earlier.
•    Thank the host for calling you for the party. If you have a gift for them, give it as an appreciation.
•    Be self-conscious. Take particular care when you walk, talk, sit and eat. Participate in the flow of the party.
•    Introduce yourself to new people in the party.
•    Be natural at any dinner. Wait to eat till the host serves you. Let the women sit on the dining table before the men.
•    Place the napkin on your knee for occasional wiping especially at a formal dinner. Place it back neatly before you get up from the table. Use the knife and fork properly.
•    Eat reasonably. Do not spill your food off the plate nor waste them.
•    Never mess up with your surrounding with your sloppy eating habits.
•    Keep manners. Do not make noise while chewing. Close your mouth and then only chew so that it looks decent enough.
•    No noise blowing in front of a table, however uncomfortable you are.
•    Restrict your drinking habits at a business party. This can spoil your reputation in the office.
•    Do not keep yourself left out from others. Look around for familiar faces. If you don’t find any, keep a pleasant smile to find friendly faces. Start conversing with new people.
•    Converse politely with the other guests. Do not talk too much especially about yourself. Let the other talk.
•    Keep eye contact when you are talking with people. Continue eating and conversing together. But do not talk with your mouths full.
•    Say good bye to everyone you know, when you leave.

Be it a formal party or a get together with friends, it is better to follow the above suggestions to avoid any inconvenience further.

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