Jurassic Park 3D on April 5th

Mar 19, Wednesday

Jurassic Park 3D on April 5thMovie News

April 04, 2013 13:38
Jurassic Park 3D on April 5th

Nothing remains same for eternity. There are several things that change in any aspect of life over a period of time. Steven Spielberg's Jurassic Park which was originally released in 1993 was a sensation back then and the perception of the same movie today would not have a similar response. Spielberg decided to revamp the movie with today's technology to the IMAX resolution digitally performing a cosmetic surgery of sorts to the movie.

The Jurassic Park was restored to an 3D IMAX print while developing on the techniques that were considered revolutionary 20 years ago, to honor the 20th anniversary of the evergreen movie based on the novel written by Michael Crichton. The movie which drove us to the edge of the seat the whole time with man vs more-than-life-size reptiles is coming out to you in a completely new form.

The already beautiful techniques were further improved to feel better today with the 3D details added to the smoke of the cigarette burning in the hands of Samuel Jackson or the mega T-Rex running into you from the screen. The movie is definitely a must watch promising several servings of nostalgia apart from the near perfection of the movie on screen.

(AW- Anil)

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Jurassic Park 3D on April 5th | Movie News

Jurassic Park 3D on April 5th

Mar 19, Wednesday

Jurassic Park 3D on April 5thMovie News

April 04, 2013 13:38
Jurassic Park 3D on April 5th

Nothing remains same for eternity. There are several things that change in any aspect of life over a period of time. Steven Spielberg's Jurassic Park which was originally released in 1993 was a sensation back then and the perception of the same movie today would not have a similar response. Spielberg decided to revamp the movie with today's technology to the IMAX resolution digitally performing a cosmetic surgery of sorts to the movie.

The Jurassic Park was restored to an 3D IMAX print while developing on the techniques that were considered revolutionary 20 years ago, to honor the 20th anniversary of the evergreen movie based on the novel written by Michael Crichton. The movie which drove us to the edge of the seat the whole time with man vs more-than-life-size reptiles is coming out to you in a completely new form.

The already beautiful techniques were further improved to feel better today with the 3D details added to the smoke of the cigarette burning in the hands of Samuel Jackson or the mega T-Rex running into you from the screen. The movie is definitely a must watch promising several servings of nostalgia apart from the near perfection of the movie on screen.

(AW- Anil)

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