Interesting Facts about World UFO Day

Mar 14, Friday

Interesting Facts about World UFO DaySci-Tech

July 02, 2021 09:37
Interesting Facts about World UFO Day

July 2nd is celebrated as World UFO Day every year to raise awareness on the Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs). The day is to discuss and educate the people of the globe about UFOs. World UFO Day is also celebrated to discuss the bright blue light in the sky. Some of the countries are celebrating World UFO Day on June 24th marking Kenneth Arnold's finding a UFO for the first time in the United States of America (USA). Some other countries are celebrating World UFO Day on July 2nd after the Roswell UFO crash took place in 1947.

UFO is an Unidentified Flying Object that cannot be identified immediately. UFOs report sightings that pass by the earth. Most of them are investigated and identified after many conspiracy theories. The World UFO Day Organization decided to celebrate July 2nd as World UFO Day. Most of the enthusiasts gather together to show evidence of extraterrestrial life. World UFO Day is also celebrated for the enthusiasts who hunt for undisputed evidence and they claim that UFOs are real and they exist. They organize themed parties and start debates, discussions about the stories related to UFOs. They use telescopes to watch the sky. There are hundreds of movies shot about science fiction and space exploration over these years.

After the arrival of coronavirus, all the events are canceled for the year. In 1900 as per the predictions from Kenneth Arnold, there were nine unusual objects flying over Washington and he called them saucer-like structures. As per the Roswell incident in 1946, a flying saucer with aliens landed outside Roswell, a town outside New Mexico. Pentagon released three short videos in 2020 and several unidentified aerial phenomena were spotted.

By Siva Kumar

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Interesting Facts about World UFO Day | World UFO Day News

Interesting Facts about World UFO Day

Mar 14, Friday

Interesting Facts about World UFO DaySci-Tech

July 02, 2021 09:37
Interesting Facts about World UFO Day

July 2nd is celebrated as World UFO Day every year to raise awareness on the Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs). The day is to discuss and educate the people of the globe about UFOs. World UFO Day is also celebrated to discuss the bright blue light in the sky. Some of the countries are celebrating World UFO Day on June 24th marking Kenneth Arnold's finding a UFO for the first time in the United States of America (USA). Some other countries are celebrating World UFO Day on July 2nd after the Roswell UFO crash took place in 1947.

UFO is an Unidentified Flying Object that cannot be identified immediately. UFOs report sightings that pass by the earth. Most of them are investigated and identified after many conspiracy theories. The World UFO Day Organization decided to celebrate July 2nd as World UFO Day. Most of the enthusiasts gather together to show evidence of extraterrestrial life. World UFO Day is also celebrated for the enthusiasts who hunt for undisputed evidence and they claim that UFOs are real and they exist. They organize themed parties and start debates, discussions about the stories related to UFOs. They use telescopes to watch the sky. There are hundreds of movies shot about science fiction and space exploration over these years.

After the arrival of coronavirus, all the events are canceled for the year. In 1900 as per the predictions from Kenneth Arnold, there were nine unusual objects flying over Washington and he called them saucer-like structures. As per the Roswell incident in 1946, a flying saucer with aliens landed outside Roswell, a town outside New Mexico. Pentagon released three short videos in 2020 and several unidentified aerial phenomena were spotted.

By Siva Kumar

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World UFO Day  World UFO Day 2021