(Image source from: Benefits of Surya Namaskar})
Surya Namaskar, which has been a part of Hindu Tradition for centuries, is a way of salutation to the Sun. It is a way to respect or express gratitude towards Sun Lord. Sun is a source of life on Earth.
Before you begin to learn or practice Surya Namaskar, understand the science behind it to get the most. A deeper understanding of the ancient technique would certainly help you on framing a right approach to this yogic as well as sacred technique of Surya Namaskar.
Surya Namaskar - Benefits
Regular practice of Surya Namaskar gives a boost to your body, mind and soul, through physical movements, solar plexus and chants respectively. The central point of the body behind the naval is called the solar plexus, which is said to be connected with Sun. Thus, practicing yoga enhances intuitive beliefs as well as creativity of an individual.
Surya Namaskara - Preferred time
Practicing Surya Namaskar during Sun rise is preferred. The set of 12 posters of Surya Namaskar improve blood circulation all throught he body, help maintaining good health, showing positive effect on intestine, heart, liver, stomach, throat, chest, legs, etc. Postures are warm ups. The asanas can be performed at any time of the day on empty stomach. Surya Namaskar practice in afternoon time energizes the body, in dusk time helps to unwind the body.
Surya Namaskara – Benefits for kids and women
Surya Namaskar benefits kids vastly by improving concentration, calming mind, reducing anxiety and restlessness. Kids can gain strength and vitality by regular practice of the yogic technique and can begin at the age of five. Surya Namaskars help amazingly to health-conscious women. Few poses help in stretching of abdominal muscles, loosing extra belly fat, bringing radiance to the face, keeping menstrual cycle regular and stimulating thyroid gland.