New York Woman Celebrates Her 107th Birthday, Says ‘Never Getting Married’ Is Secret to Her Longevity
August 02, 2019 06:56
(Image source from: FOX 29 News Philadelphia)
More than 100 friends and family members celebrated the 107-years-old birthday recently in Bronx, New York.
Born on July 31, 1912, in Manhattan, Louise Jean Signore moved to the Bronx in 1926 and has been living there ever since.
When asked about the secret to her long life, Signore said that it is 'never getting married'. Her 106 birthday was also in news during which she said that 'being single' is the secret to her longevity.
WCBS quoted Louise as saying, "If they have exercise, I do the exercise. If they have dancing, I dance. I still do a little dancing. After my lunch, I will play bingo, so I had a full day. I think the secret of 107: I never got married. I think that's the secret. My sister says, 'I wish I never got married.'"
Besides, she says being less stressed helped her in live longer than her peers. While young she used to dance every day and can also play bocce. Being an Italian, she was sheepish about her heritage.
(Image source from: Twitter/JLaytonTV)
Recently, she overcame pneumonia and at the age of 103, she survived an assault and robbery in her apartment building.
Surprisingly, she still lives alone and likes it.
According to LatestLy, she also credits good home-cooked food, fruits, and vegetables, avoiding soda and cake coupled with exercise in maintaining good health for her longevity.
By Sowmya Sangam