Points to note after love failure

Mar 14, Friday

Points to note after love failureLove & Romance Tips

August 29, 2013 12:17
Points to note after love failure

Getting dumped by the one person you like is not pleasant even at the best of times. Breaking up after a relation is painful to say the least, but there are some points that everyone need to keep close to their hearts once they part ways. This is not to make light of hard breakups. It is to help a person remember that all is not lost.

So, one day you were day dreaming of spending as much time with him/her and suddenly he/she decides she will move on. Should you also move on and give a smack on their head? No, when the person you seemingly liked wants out of the relation, you must accept that it is not completely your fault. You should not try to search for answers or justify their behavior. Instead, keep a cool head and accept that he/she was someone you imagined to be, not what they really are.

Do not, at any cost, keep in touch for a while. Give the frayed nerves some time to get back to normal. Keep your dignity and stop asking the person to get back together. Worse, stop telling yourself you will change and do anything to get them back. Getting back with someone who does not value you will only hurt your self esteem further. You need to remind yourself that the best person for you is someone who wants you in their life.

Trying to be a friend to your ex is easier said than done. Stop trying to be his/her friend. Stay away from the painful vision of the person moving on with someone else. Better, keep the good memories in your heart for a positive vibe when you revisit the old memories.

Ok, so here's the deal. You have to delete the old messages, texts, e-mails and pictures of that person. Hard? Make a friend do it for you. Why? Looking at those mails and texts will keep reminding you of what 'was' and not what 'is'. It will only bring more pain. Checking those messages and longing for the person is not allowed for your own good.

Importantly, one needs to take time for themselves after a breakup and not rush into a rebound relation. More importantly, one needs to keep the faith that love will find them again.

(AW: Sruthi)

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Points to note after love failure | Love & Romance Tips

Points to note after love failure

Mar 14, Friday

Points to note after love failureLove & Romance Tips

August 29, 2013 12:17
Points to note after love failure

Getting dumped by the one person you like is not pleasant even at the best of times. Breaking up after a relation is painful to say the least, but there are some points that everyone need to keep close to their hearts once they part ways. This is not to make light of hard breakups. It is to help a person remember that all is not lost.

So, one day you were day dreaming of spending as much time with him/her and suddenly he/she decides she will move on. Should you also move on and give a smack on their head? No, when the person you seemingly liked wants out of the relation, you must accept that it is not completely your fault. You should not try to search for answers or justify their behavior. Instead, keep a cool head and accept that he/she was someone you imagined to be, not what they really are.

Do not, at any cost, keep in touch for a while. Give the frayed nerves some time to get back to normal. Keep your dignity and stop asking the person to get back together. Worse, stop telling yourself you will change and do anything to get them back. Getting back with someone who does not value you will only hurt your self esteem further. You need to remind yourself that the best person for you is someone who wants you in their life.

Trying to be a friend to your ex is easier said than done. Stop trying to be his/her friend. Stay away from the painful vision of the person moving on with someone else. Better, keep the good memories in your heart for a positive vibe when you revisit the old memories.

Ok, so here's the deal. You have to delete the old messages, texts, e-mails and pictures of that person. Hard? Make a friend do it for you. Why? Looking at those mails and texts will keep reminding you of what 'was' and not what 'is'. It will only bring more pain. Checking those messages and longing for the person is not allowed for your own good.

Importantly, one needs to take time for themselves after a breakup and not rush into a rebound relation. More importantly, one needs to keep the faith that love will find them again.

(AW: Sruthi)

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