Delhi gang rape trial at tortoise pace

Mar 18, Tuesday

Delhi gang rape trial at tortoise paceTop Stories

August 08, 2013 10:44
Have a great journey!},{Have a great journey!

(Image source from: Have a great journey!})

The government expressed assurance to swift justice subsequent to the gang rape of a young university student on a moving bus in New Delhi lately preceding year ignited nationwide gross violence. On the contrary, speed is relative in a legal system so overloaded that even a normal criminal trial can stretch well over a decade.

Seven months delayed, the trial in a special fast track court is still working with constant and monotonous perseverance. Furthermore, if we take a lately happening day in the case. The court was in session just two hours due to the fact that it is every day of the trial. In fact, just about one witness out of nearly 100 called in the case had time to afford evidence.

(AW:Samrat Biswas)

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Delhi gang rape trial at tortoise pace | Top Stories

Delhi gang rape trial at tortoise pace

Mar 18, Tuesday

Delhi gang rape trial at tortoise paceTop Stories

August 08, 2013 10:44
Have a great journey!},{Have a great journey!

(Image source from: Have a great journey!})

The government expressed assurance to swift justice subsequent to the gang rape of a young university student on a moving bus in New Delhi lately preceding year ignited nationwide gross violence. On the contrary, speed is relative in a legal system so overloaded that even a normal criminal trial can stretch well over a decade.

Seven months delayed, the trial in a special fast track court is still working with constant and monotonous perseverance. Furthermore, if we take a lately happening day in the case. The court was in session just two hours due to the fact that it is every day of the trial. In fact, just about one witness out of nearly 100 called in the case had time to afford evidence.

(AW:Samrat Biswas)

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