Trump damned “Diversity Visa Lottery Program” for NYC Attack last evening
November 02, 2017 06:57
(Image source from:
Washington; Nov 1:
President Donald Trump fired a series of tweets to blame the Diversity visa Lottery program for yet another terrorist led massacre killing 8 in the Lower Manhattan. He demanded the immigration program to be merit based and not lottery based now on.
In 2015 after San Bernardino attack in CA, he banned muslim entry in US from selected few nations for which he was criticized by many. And now, yet another terrorist attack by a muslim in Manhattan has ignited the debate again.
Trump tweets came in a series targeting the immigration policy “The terrorist came into our country through what is called the "Diversity Visa Lottery Program," a Chuck Schumer beauty. I want merit based.”
“We are fighting hard for Merit Based immigration, no more Democrat Lottery Systems. We must get MUCH tougher (and smarter)”
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"Senator Chuck Schumer helping to import Europes problems" said Col.Tony Shaffer. We will stop this craziness!”
During a white house cabinet meeting on Wednesday he said, “I am, today, starting the process of terminating the diversity lottery program” and beginning a program that distributes around 50,000 visas to countries where there is a low rate of immigration to the US.
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Trump also said, “"We're going to quickly as possible get rid of chain migration and move to a merit-based system."
Democrats slammed President Trump for politicizing the tragic attack and quickly turning it into an immigration debate.
Around 8 people were killed and another 11 injured after Saipov drove through the busy Bike pathway on Tuesday shooting bikers and bystanders, screaming Allahu Akbar. Saipov was shot in the abdomen in the attack and is in police custody now.
More news to come in as details are disclosed further.
By Minu Manisha