Ramcharan Helps Nepal Victims 2015-04-29 06:46:50
Mega Powerstar Ramcharan is one actor in Tollywood who always steps forward to help the suffering ones who are in financial or other need. We are all aware of recent natural disaster that hit Khatmandu. Our prayers to those family’s...
Keywords: Ramcharan latest news, Ramcharan funds Nepal, earthquake victims, Ramcharan helps victims
Read MoreBhukamp stickers on Quake Victims’ heads in hospitals! 2015-04-29 10:27:07
The victims of earthquake in Bihar have been experienced the pain, not because of the injuries in earthquake, but the inhumane treatment by the hospital staff – who have pasted the "bhukamp" (earthquake) on their heads. The weird moment came...
Keywords: Bhukamp Stickers on earthquake victims, Darbhanga Medical College and Hospital staff, Darbhanga Medical College and Hospital staff, Bhukamp Stickers on earthquake victims
Read MoreDeadly Earthquake hits Mexico and causes heavy destruction 2017-09-21 12:46:57
Mexico has been hit by a deadly earthquake of 7.1 magnitude. This is second earthquake that hit Mexico in a span of two weeks. At least 230 people have lost their lives across the region and rescue crews are still...
Keywords: Mexico City is hit by second earthquake in the span of 2 weeks; Deadly earthquake hits Mexico killing 230 people, Mexico City is hit by second earthquake in the span of 2 weeks; Deadly earthquake hits Mexico killing 230 people, Mexico City is hit by second earthquake in the span of 2 weeks; Deadly earthquake hits Mexico killing 230 people, Mexico City is hit by second earthquake in the span of 2 weeks; Deadly earthquake hits Mexico killing 230 people
Read MoreFacebook's Safety Check Feature lets you know status of your nearer ones! 2015-04-27 06:47:01
During the natural disasters like earthquakes, tsunamis and other calamities, the people in around the affected area would get fear and their relatives and well wishers certainly get more tension about their well-being or the situation. Facebook’s new Safety Check...
Keywords: Nepal Earthquake victims, Nepal Earthquake, Nepal Earthquake victims, Tsunami problems
Read More6 Indian-American Teens Bag Davidson Fellow scholarships 2018-10-03 05:05:23
Half a dozen Indian-American teenagers have been bestowed with the prestigious 2018 Davidson Fellows Scholarships, named as among "The 10 Biggest scholarships in the World" and one of the "7 Prestigious Undergrad scholarships," in Washington on Friday. Two of the...
Keywords: Davidson Fellow scholarships, Indian American, Davidson Institute, Indian American
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