Mar 19, Wednesday

Search Results On economy back 9 10

economy back 9 10

  • Overseas Citizen of India, Manmohan Singh, indian economy to grow at 9 10 in medium term manmohan, Economy back 9 10

    Indian economy to grow at 9% - 10% in medium term: Manmohan 2012-01-09 07:54:55

    While India’s growth has been impacted by the global slowdown, given the strong economic fundamentals of the Indian economy the effort is to bring the economy back to 9-10% growth in the medium term, said Dr Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister...

    Keywords: economy back 9-10%, Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs, Indian economy, NRIs

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    covid-19, local infections, china reports rise in local coronavirus infections, Economy back 9 10

    China reports rise in local coronavirus infections 2020-04-17 05:03:12

    While there has been a subsequent drop in the number of imported cases in China, dropping from 36 to 34 on Friday, the number of local infections has risen again after the relaxation of the lockdown restrictions. China reported new...

    Keywords: infections, infections, covid-19, coronavirus

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    Reserve Bank of India, RBI, rbi cuts repo rate by 50 points, Economy back 9 10

    RBI cuts repo rate by 50 points 2012-04-19 10:34:09

    The planning commission deputy chairman, Montek Singh Ahluwalia has said that the cut in repo rate by 50 basis points by the Reserve Bank of India would be putting the country’s economy back on track besides stimulating the growth of...

    Keywords: RBI, The planning commission deputy chairman, BSE, Montek Singh Ahluwalia

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    governors, protestors, donald trump lauds protestors as responsible amidst covid 19 pandemic, Economy back 9 10

    Donald Trump lauds protestors as ‘responsible’ amidst Covid-19 pandemic 2020-04-18 10:13:56

    While the status of Covid-19 in US has been getting worse with every single day, the agenda of the last White House briefing was also conducted on the need for more tests to be conducted. The substantial issue that still...

    Keywords: donald trump, donald trump, protestors, governors

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    covid-19, pandemic, covid 19 pandemic has resulted in 36 8 million americans unemployment, Economy back 9 10

    Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in 36.8 million Americans’ unemployment 2020-05-22 06:53:15

    With the gradual reopening of the states in US, the job losses are gradually decreasing but till date, over 36.8 million people have lost their job in the US. Officials are looking into ways to administer steps to get the...

    Keywords: pandemic, economy, covid-19, home sales

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    americans, coronavirus, one third of americans asked to stay at home over coronavirus fears, Economy back 9 10

    One-third of Americans asked to stay at home over Coronavirus fears 2020-03-24 12:19:28

    The confirmed cases of coronavirus in the United States are on a rampant rise, with over 48,000 confirmed cases and over 500 deaths already. With the fast spread of this disease, the health officials in the United States have informed...

    Keywords: americans, stay at home, pandemic, stay at home

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Economy back 9 10 Tag search results on
Mar 19, Wednesday

Search Results On economy back 9 10

economy back 9 10

  • Overseas Citizen of India, Manmohan Singh, indian economy to grow at 9 10 in medium term manmohan, Economy back 9 10

    Indian economy to grow at 9% - 10% in medium term: Manmohan 2012-01-09 07:54:55

    While India’s growth has been impacted by the global slowdown, given the strong economic fundamentals of the Indian economy the effort is to bring the economy back to 9-10% growth in the medium term, said Dr Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister...

    Keywords: economy back 9-10%, Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs, Indian economy, NRIs

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    covid-19, local infections, china reports rise in local coronavirus infections, Economy back 9 10

    China reports rise in local coronavirus infections 2020-04-17 05:03:12

    While there has been a subsequent drop in the number of imported cases in China, dropping from 36 to 34 on Friday, the number of local infections has risen again after the relaxation of the lockdown restrictions. China reported new...

    Keywords: infections, infections, covid-19, coronavirus

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    Reserve Bank of India, RBI, rbi cuts repo rate by 50 points, Economy back 9 10

    RBI cuts repo rate by 50 points 2012-04-19 10:34:09

    The planning commission deputy chairman, Montek Singh Ahluwalia has said that the cut in repo rate by 50 basis points by the Reserve Bank of India would be putting the country’s economy back on track besides stimulating the growth of...

    Keywords: RBI, The planning commission deputy chairman, BSE, Montek Singh Ahluwalia

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    governors, protestors, donald trump lauds protestors as responsible amidst covid 19 pandemic, Economy back 9 10

    Donald Trump lauds protestors as ‘responsible’ amidst Covid-19 pandemic 2020-04-18 10:13:56

    While the status of Covid-19 in US has been getting worse with every single day, the agenda of the last White House briefing was also conducted on the need for more tests to be conducted. The substantial issue that still...

    Keywords: donald trump, donald trump, protestors, governors

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    covid-19, pandemic, covid 19 pandemic has resulted in 36 8 million americans unemployment, Economy back 9 10

    Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in 36.8 million Americans’ unemployment 2020-05-22 06:53:15

    With the gradual reopening of the states in US, the job losses are gradually decreasing but till date, over 36.8 million people have lost their job in the US. Officials are looking into ways to administer steps to get the...

    Keywords: pandemic, economy, covid-19, home sales

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    americans, coronavirus, one third of americans asked to stay at home over coronavirus fears, Economy back 9 10

    One-third of Americans asked to stay at home over Coronavirus fears 2020-03-24 12:19:28

    The confirmed cases of coronavirus in the United States are on a rampant rise, with over 48,000 confirmed cases and over 500 deaths already. With the fast spread of this disease, the health officials in the United States have informed...

    Keywords: americans, stay at home, pandemic, stay at home

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