"Fifty shades of Grey" becomes a phenomenon 2013-05-02 14:05:47
People do like reading erotic stuff and if it is blended with some pseudo- Freudian psycho analysis it gets the hype even more. This is the case that has happened with the much talked about erotic trilogy "Fifty Shades of...
Keywords: erotic novels, Fifty shades of Grey, Fifty shades of Grey, erotic thriller
Read MoreErotic Fifty Shades of Grey Leads got Low Remuneration ! 2015-03-14 11:44:35
The much popular and blockbuster Fifty Shades of Grey lead cast Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan were paid very moderate pay for according to a leading site. They both have given only $250K and tiered box-office bonuses. The news has...
Keywords: Fifty Shades of Grey cast, Fifty Shades of Grey theme, Fifty Shades of Grey concept, Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan in Fifty Shades of Grey
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