Technology Harming children’s Communication Skills

Mar 19, Wednesday

Technology Harming children’s Communication SkillsSci-Tech

May 30, 2016 09:15
Technology Harming children’s Communication Skills

Technology has the greatest impact on children. Attention, information overload, decision-making, and  Importantly memory/learning, all of these areas affect  children. Negative indications are that attention spans are shorter, personal communication skills are reduced and there's a marked reduction in the ability to think.

Smart phones and tablets makes communication easy to everyone, and yet experts warn there may be consequences for youngsters due to the usage of the smart phones and other appliances.

American Speech Language Hearing Association found, the biggest concern of speech pathologists is that excessive technology use is replacing conversation and human interaction.

Ann Kummer, senior director of speech-language pathology, at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, explained that when children uses devices, they're not only missing verbal interaction, but also physical language.

"What's most important in communication development and also in the development of relationships is direct communication, which means that you look at each other, you have eye contact, you laugh together," she said, "and that is not well done through devices."

Overuse of technology could cause irreversible damage to the communication skills of future generations. Indeed  parents should not encourage children to use technology. Technology isn't bad, but the key is moderation. The fact is that nothing can replace person to person communication.

- Mayuka

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Too much technology use will harm kids

Technology Harming children’s Communication Skills

Mar 19, Wednesday

Technology Harming children’s Communication SkillsSci-Tech

May 30, 2016 09:15
Technology Harming children’s Communication Skills

Technology has the greatest impact on children. Attention, information overload, decision-making, and  Importantly memory/learning, all of these areas affect  children. Negative indications are that attention spans are shorter, personal communication skills are reduced and there's a marked reduction in the ability to think.

Smart phones and tablets makes communication easy to everyone, and yet experts warn there may be consequences for youngsters due to the usage of the smart phones and other appliances.

American Speech Language Hearing Association found, the biggest concern of speech pathologists is that excessive technology use is replacing conversation and human interaction.

Ann Kummer, senior director of speech-language pathology, at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, explained that when children uses devices, they're not only missing verbal interaction, but also physical language.

"What's most important in communication development and also in the development of relationships is direct communication, which means that you look at each other, you have eye contact, you laugh together," she said, "and that is not well done through devices."

Overuse of technology could cause irreversible damage to the communication skills of future generations. Indeed  parents should not encourage children to use technology. Technology isn't bad, but the key is moderation. The fact is that nothing can replace person to person communication.

- Mayuka

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Children  Technology  Smart phones.