Young Rebelstar Prabhas is the recent pan-Indian actor of the country from South and all his future projects are made on massive budgets and will release in all the Indian languages. Prabhas announced that he would work with Mahanati fame Nag Ashwin and the project rolls soon. The project got delayed due to the huge canvas and massive pre-production work involved. Bollywood Superstar Amitabh Bachchan signed the project immediately after he heard the script and he will be seen in a crucial role in the project. He is charging Rs 20 crores for his role. Bollywood top actress Deepika Padukone is the leading lady in this sci-fi thriller that is set in the future. The actress too is paid a bomb for the movie.
The film got its official launch today and the shoot commenced in a special set that is constructed for the movie. Some important episodes on Amitabh Bachchan will be shot in this schedule and it will be concluded next weekend. Prabhas and Deepika Padukone will join the sets in the next schedule that will commence later this year. Nag Ashwin announced that the film will also have an international release along with Indian languages. C Ashwini Dutt's Vyjayanthi Movies along with Swapna Cinema are producing this project which will release in 2023. Prabhas is participating in the final schedule of Radhe Shyam that will release in October. He is also shooting for two big-budget projects: Adipurush and Salaar. The shoots of these films will complete this year and they would head for release next year.